Hair Books
I really enjoy reading so it makes sense that I would enjoy hair research through both word and photography. Picking up a book to do this research is so much better than browsing site after site, being distracted by one youtube video after another. I am going old school! I am also reaching out to some of the stylists in my community to research their particular methods and preferences.
Here are a few that I have read recently and really enjoyed.
This book does a phenomenal job of explaining in great detail the human hair trading industry. I really enjoyed this book, but it’s obviously not for everyone, because it is a long book with very few pictures, and frankly unless you’re in the hair industry you probably don’t want to see the pictures anyway.
This book was written by a former Johnson & Johnson research scientist. He attempts to explain the fact that nobody knows what causes hair loss. He also has a fascinating description of how the hair follicles cycle like the phases of the moon.
A funky little book for anyone who wants to tame unruly hair or just be more hip and edgy in general.
Cultural stories of hair and it’s importance and significance for different people
This is a little older but still very relevant. Robert Vetica has some serious A-list clients who love to sing his praise. This is somewhat of a recipe book for all types of hair.